
eyeDonkey is an open source tool, which analyses and visualizes information about files shared through an edonkey network.
It is published under the GNU General Public License.

Java is used as programming language. To store the informations we chose a MySQL database.

The main goal of this project was the development of a simple edonkey-client based on the emule protocol documentation,
wich collects information about shared files, servers and clients for the purpose of analysing and visualizing it.
For this reason the application consists of two parts with the database acting as interface between them.

To be able to display the location of a given IP address we needed a translation from a certain IP to its longtitude and latitude.
Here, the MaxMind GeoIP database comes into play. It is a free and open source collection of APIs
for looking up IP address locations. It is also hosted on sourceforge.net.

To visualize the collected data in an usefull form we used the Piccolo visualization toolkit
provided from the Human Computer Interaction Lab of Maryland University. Piccolo is an open source toolkit that supports
the development of 2D structured graphics programs, in general, and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUIs), in particular.
The statistic diagrams are created with JFreeChart.